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73 Civil society organizations call for bold action from CBD signatory parties

On December 12, 2022, seventy-three civil society organizations called on the signatory parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity to take concrete actions to stop and reverse biodiversity loss. The sign on letter highlights how state parties have failed to hold corporations and financial institutions accountable for environmental, biodiversity, climate, and human rights abuses and urges state to take the following actions to stop and reverse biodiversity loss:

  1. Stop legitimizing and enabling industries that are the greatest contributors to biodiversity loss.
  2. Restore and protect biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
  3. Uphold commitments to international human rights obligations and conventions.
  4. End impunity for the corporate and financial sectors.
  5. Strengthen and ensure proper enforcement of existing or establish new environmental laws and regulations to hold corporations and financiers accountable for biodiversity harms.
  6. Respect the right to self-determination and sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples, and protect the rights of local communities.
  7. Take a precautionary approach in biodiversity protection.
  8. Promote agroecology and community-based solutions by integrating such approaches into conservation plans.

Read the full letter here.